_2_Religion in General

The derivation of the Latin word religio (whether from relegere or religare) has always been a debatable question. Latin scholars, both pagan and Christian, are not agreed on the etymology.8 But this etymological question need not trouble us. It does not affect our religious knowledge, since the meaning of a word is in the last analysis not established by its etymology, but by its usage (usus loquendi).9


What, then, is the meaning of the term “religion” as established by common usage? There is no common usage. True, heathen and Christians use the word “religion.” But the former naturally associate heathen concepts with this word, and the latter Christian concepts. The fact that both Christians and heathen use the same word does not enable us to arrive at a definition of religion comprehensive enough to include both Christianity and the non-Christian religions under one genus. Men are today eagerly searching for such a definition, but it is a futile undertaking. For the concepts which these two groups attach to the word religion are absolutely contradictory.


What religion means to the heathen is the exact opposite of what it means to the Christians. Since the heathen know nothing of the Gospel of Christ (1 Cor. 2:6-10: “neither have entered into the heart of man”), but have some knowledge of the Law (Rom. 1:32: “knowing the judgment of God”; Rom. 2:15: “work of the Law written in their hearts”), their entire religious thinking moves in the sphere of the Law. Religion to the heathen means man’s endeavor to placate the deity through his own efforts and works, through worship, sacrifices, moral exercises, ascetic discipline, and the like. The religion of the heathen is therefore a religion of the Law.10


In the Christian language, religion has an altogether different meaning. The Christian religion is faith in the Gospel, that is, faith in the divine message that through the substitutionary satisfaction of Christ (satisfactio vicaria) God is already reconciled to all men. Paul declares in the name of all Christians: “Knowing [00010.jpg] that a man is not justified by the works of the Law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ that we might be justified by the faith of Christ and not by the works of the Law” (Gal. 2:16). Apology: “By faith we obtain remission of sins for Christ’s sake, and not for the sake of our works that precede or follow” (Trigl. 287, 19).

在基督教语言中,宗教具有完全不同的意义。基督教的宗教是指对福音的信心,就是相信藉着基督的替代性赎罪上帝已经和所有人合好。保罗宣告说所有基督徒“既知道人称义不是因行律法,乃是因信耶稣基督,连我们也信了基督耶稣,使我们因信基督称义,不因行律法称义”(加2:16)。藉着信心,我们因基督的缘故获得了罪的赦免,而不是靠我们在之前或之后的行为。(Trigl. 287, 19)

Therefore such religious bodies within external Christendom as teach that man is reconciled to God, wholly or in part, through his own works have reverted to the pagan conception of religion and are, as to their teaching, outside Christendom. “Christ is become of no effect unto you whosoever of you are justified by the Law; ye are fallen from grace” (Gal. 5:4).11 The Large Catechism: “Therefore all who seek and wish to merit holiness [sanctification], not through the Gospel and forgiveness of sin, but by their works, have expelled and separated themselves [from this Church]” (Trigl. 693, 56). Meyer on Gal. 5:4: “Justification by the Law and justification for Christ’s sake are opposita (works — faith), so that one excludes the other.”


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